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24 votes

What are the red and green bars under my weapon on the HUD?

The green bar indicates the number of rounds for your BFG 9000, and the red bar indicates the amount of fuel for your Chainsaw.
Joachim's user avatar
  • 22.7k
8 votes

What happened between Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal?

In 2163, fourteen years after the events on Mars (Doom 2016), Earth has been overrun by demonic forces, wiping out 60% of the planet's population, under the now-corrupted Union Aerospace Corporation (...
pinckerman's user avatar
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7 votes

What are these glowing orbs?

That is BFG-9000 ammo. It took me a while to realize this as well, probably because I didn't have the BFG yet, or my BFG ammo was full when I first encountered one, and so couldn't pick it up. Do ...
Timmy Jim's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I re-enable the windows key while playing a game?

You're likely looking for the Alt+Tab key combination. Some games run in full screen mode which disables the windows key. Alt+Tab however will get you out of the active game and back to your desktop. ...
Sorean's user avatar
  • 22.5k
4 votes

How can I change weapon upgrades?

On PC, press R to swap between upgrades
Davenippon's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a story behind the Doom Guy dolls?

They are really just collectibles for going off and checking out all corners of the maps. The same for the retro Doom levels, they are just a nice secret area to hunt out. However the DoomWiki does ...
MattR's user avatar
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3 votes

Do weapon upgrades carry over to rune challenges?

No... Your weapon upgrades, status upgrades (those that you get by spending Argent cores) and armor upgrades are not carried over to the Rune Challenges. The Rune Challenges always throw you at ...
FernandoRibeiro's user avatar
2 votes

How much damage does a melee attack do?

Melee attacks do 25 damage. This is easy to test now that Multiplayer has a "Practice Mode". It should be noted though that my original "use shotgun or melee" question was misguided. Melee attacks do ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
2 votes

Do bodies disappear in Doom?

Yes Bodies don't disappear instantly, but they do burn away after a few seconds.
Broneironaut's user avatar
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1 vote

Is local multiplayer (local network, multiple consoles) possible on Doom on Nintendo Switch?

As of date, it's not possible to have multiplayer session just for local party. However, it has party option which allows to play online multiplayer with your friends (as like you, your friends and ...
arghtype's user avatar
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1 vote

Haven't been able to play DOOM on vulkan driver

Fixed it, by downloading latest amd control software at amd website and reinstalling it
Kiogara's user avatar
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