I'm annoyed that every time I launch Minecraft, it's a tiny window (854x480 pixels + window borders) that I have to resize. I don't want to run the game in fullscreen, or maximized, but I do want the window larger than that.

And since it's difficult to scale the window precisely, my screenshots end up all different sizes.

I don't see anything in the Options GUI.

2 Answers 2


It's easier than in the self-answer. In the launcher, you can click on "Installations", then on the profile you want (default is "Latest release") and then set a resolution in there.

  • Easier is a subjective term :P I found the text file easier, but this is probably better for most people. Thanks! Commented Mar 14, 2018 at 3:59
  • In theory editing this file isn't supported. If you for example get any bugs after doing that, they are automatically invalid on the bug tracker. Commented Mar 14, 2018 at 9:42

Well, never mind. I figured it out.

Edit .minecraft/options.txt and set the overrideWidth and overrideHeight values to your desired values. This will be the size of the game screen itself (so the actual window will be slightly larger with your OS's borders).

Make sure the game and launcher are closed while you are editing this file, otherwise it will reset them to 0.

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