The quickest way to drop full stacks of items in Minecraft (on a Mac) is to use Command-Q. But that keyboard shortcut is already set by Apple to quit the application. Is there a way to disable Command-Q to quit in Minecraft? I don't want to change the drop item keybind.

5 Answers 5


Mac likes to be annoying when it comes to game shortcuts, but you can override the Command-Q shortcut to use Minecraft's method of dropping items by using Ctrl-Command-Q. If you want to learn more about Minecraft shortcuts you can check out this website.

  • 2
    To be fair, the same issue would likely occur if MC had Alt + F4 set for this keybinding on Windows. Inconsiderate third-party development != Apple being annoying with keyboard shortcuts.
    – l3l_aze
    Commented Oct 3, 2019 at 22:52
  • Fam, it's an operating system. It's not the annoying thing here. Anyway, let me go change my keybinds.
    – Dennis L
    Commented Mar 24, 2021 at 4:23
  • This does not work on Ventura, it just locks the screen.
    – user5217
    Commented Mar 13, 2023 at 15:27
  • ^ As mentioned, this keybind is now used by Mac for "Lock Screen".
    – xTerrene
    Commented Jan 9 at 2:45

There's actually a forge mod for Minecraft called "Patcher" that allows you to change the drop modifier key in controls. I changed the drop modifier key to option and it worked fine.


So, I actually just made a mod for this. It's for Fabric and it's for 1.16.4+. Here's the link: Ctrl Q.

The mod is basically remapping the default Command key for Ctrl when dropping items. I myself had this issue, and it's only recently that I learnt how to make mods so I can code it. Have fun!

  • This should be the accepted answer. The actual accepted answer doesn't seem to work for me on Ventura.
    – user5217
    Commented Mar 13, 2023 at 15:29

If you'd like to, you can remap it globally at the system level under Preferences -> Keyboard -> Accessibility. This answer has suggestions ranging from setting Cmd + Q as the shortcut for "invert colors" to "do not disturb".

Of course, this will change it for all apps though, and you'll still have Cmd + Option + Q for Force Quit, but that's obviously harder to accidentally do.


There is now way that you can turn off the Mac Command-Q. So you will need to change it in Minecraft to different keys.

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