I am on Windows 10 1.16.1 Minecraft I have a line of three command blocks: An unconditional impulse that needs redstone, A conditional chain that is always active, An unconditional chain that is always active
Needs Redstone
Command Input:
testforblock 68 5 21 redstone_block
Previous Output:
The block at 68,5,21 is Air (expected: Block of Redstone).
Always Active
Command Input:
tag @p add Blue
Previous Output:
Added tag 'Blue' to Vain Alibi
Always Active
Command Input:
execute @e[type = armor_stand, name = "Blue Room"] ~ ~ ~ title @p actionbar You've chosen §6Kapkan
Previous Output:
Title command successfully executed
After powering the impulse, I don't get the tag added to me, as expected because the impulse fails, and the first chain is conditional, but somehow the title from the second chain still shows. I can confirm that the block the first command block is searching for is NOT there, and that when I check my tags afterwards, I do NOT get the tag. Though somehow the title still shows, does anybody know how this is possible?