I was triying to make a teleporter when a player steps on a obsidian block, but the sound wont play. Here's the command blocks if that's any help.
Repeat, always active: Execute as @a at @s if block ~ -1 ~ obsidian as @s run title @s title §l§b¡Bienvenido...
Chain, conditional, always active: execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ obsidian as @s run title @s subtitle §l§b...A la base §cnether
Chain, always active: execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ obsidian as @s run to @s 0 -60 3
(wont sound) Chain, always active: execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ obsidian as @s run playsound portal.trigger @s ~ ~ ~
0 -60 3
? (Also, is theto
instead oftp
in that third command a typo?)