I'm having a hard time finding a list containing followers who are high skilled in archery. I need a bunch of them to experiment a team of archers following me. In case anyone's wondering I'm using a mod to get up to 10 followers.
1 Answer
A spreadsheet link was placed in an article from UESP wiki giving the values for followers aptitudes, or maximum level in the specific skill of archery:
Max Level 100
- Jenassa, Aela
Max Level 98
- Lydia, Argis, Calder, Iona, Jordis, Vilkas
Max Level 97
- Cicero
- 87: Faendal
- 78: Derkeethus, Annekke, Ghorbash
- 73: Erik, Vostag, Stenvar, Mjoll
- 72: Kharjo, Ahtar
- 57: Cosnach, Golldir, Uthgerd, Benor, Borgakh, Ogol
- 50: Athis, Ria, Torvar
- 32: Roggi, Sven
- 20: J'zargo
- ??: Onmund, Erandur, Brelyna, Aranea, Illia, Eola, Marcurio, Berland, Njada, Farkas