I was looking up cheats for minecraft and found a cheat that exploded yourself (\explode)
Next time I played I tried it and it didn't work all it said was Unkown command. Try /help for a list of command
Is this part of vanilla minecraft or is it part of a mod. If it is then what mod?
Ok just edited your post with some grammar cleaning and put explode in grey(Hint:use ` at the beggining and end of where you want it and it is located on the top left of the keyboard under ~)– LFMCommented Apr 15, 2014 at 1:30
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is part of the CommandBin Mod as well as SinglePlayerCommands (and potentially others). This command is not in vanilla Minecraft.
Here is a video of the Single Player Commands version.
2@Thegamer I did not downvote it, but my guess would be that your question comes across as showing a lack of research. After all, you mention that you looked it up, so wherever you found it should mention where it is from. Also, asking what mods contain
is borderline list question. I can only theorize, though, so you might think of asking in meta if you would like to improve future posts. Commented Apr 14, 2014 at 20:22 -
How do you make the grey background for the \explode thing Commented Apr 14, 2014 at 23:30
@thegamer Put ` around it. You can join the formatting playground here Commented Apr 15, 2014 at 3:31