Since Alistar got buffed in the last patches, I want to master him a little bit more. I watched some Youtube videos where people always do the Headbutt(W) + Autoattack while the target is still flying and they say it is really important to get that combo down, especally on Top and Mid.
I get the W + Q combo in 90% but I'm having trouble with W+AA. The W + Q combo does good damage but as soon you have the Sheen you are more mana efficient with W + AA.
I could not find any good tutorial videos for this combo. So here are my questions:
- When do I have to click for the autoattack? (Alistars animation or target animation)
- Do different enemies have different flying velocities? (I doubt it but who knows? A Malphite looks heavier than an Annie!)
- Is ping (~30) or FPS (~60) an issue?
- What are good ways to practice it? (Besides Bot-games)