I'm trying to recreate the Apollo 11 mission once more... (0.90 update stuffed up my save) But this time I want to do it a little differently...

You can choose your save files flag by going to the Flagpole outside the KSC and doing so..
You can choose your missions flag by going to the respective menu inside the VAB/SPH.

Can you choose your Kerbals flag or edit it via mods or save file editing? Because I want the NASA flag on the Apollo ship and the American flag in my Kerbals hands.

Please, I really need this. xD

Any help will be appreciated.

2 Answers 2


Something you can try:

  1. Go on EVA.
  2. Quicksave
  3. Open the quicksave file in a text editor (like Notepad++). The file will be named quicksave.sfs, and you can find it in <path/to/KSP>/saves/<your save name>/
  4. Search for your EVA'd Kerbal's name in the file. It should be right after some lines that say VESSEL { pid = <abc>, name = <your Kerbal's name>.
  5. Look down some for PART { name = kerbalEVA ...
  6. Later in that block, there should be a line that says flag = <path/to/flag>.
  7. Change that line to the path to the desired flag. You will need everything after GameData. Pay attention to capitalization because I am pretty sure that it is case sensitive and leave off the file extension.
  8. Save your changes, switch back to KSP, and load the quicksave file.
  9. Plant the flag and see if it worked.


Assuming you EVA'd Bill Kerman and want to change the flag to the Satellite flag (which is found in <path/to/KSP>/GameData/Squad/Flags/Satellite.png)

The quicksave.sfs:

  pid = <abc>
  name = Bill Kerman
    name = kerbalEVA
    flag = Squad/Flags/default   // change this to "Squad/Flags/Satellite"

You should be able to change any placed flag in a similar way.

  • Hmm.. Ill try that. Souunds very interesting. Thanks.
    – user92092
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 0:00
  • Wait... wait wait wait wait... Could I... Send up a kerbal with a flag, and dock him with a ship with another?
    – user92092
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 0:01
  • I believe that the Kerbal's flag would get reset when boarding the ship to whatever flag the capsule has assigned. As far as docking two ships with different flags, I do not know what happens. I have not tried that before. I usually just use my personal flag on all missions. I think the vessel flag will be set to whatever flag the root part has assigned, but the two ships might revert to their original flags when undocking.
    – Michael
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 14:47
  • I've docked before. Ships keep their own. I don't know about the Kerbals though. Still trying....
    – user92092
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 22:49
  • 1
    Either way, it's a good answer. Have you tried it?
    – user92092
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 22:51

There are only save file flags and mission flags. Selecting a mission flag sets it for both the vehicle and the kerbals assigned to it, and there's no way to set them separately.

I've searched for a plugin that would help but haven't found any.

  • Are you sure there isn't a way? Not even through heavy editing? A mod?
    – user92092
    Commented Jan 7, 2015 at 6:09
  • @Finn I'm sure it's possible with either editing the parts directly or using a plugin to do so. It's just that nobody has created such a thing yet. Commented Jan 7, 2015 at 15:22
  • Mmm... Ok. I'll have to see what I can do then. Thanks for the answer.
    – user92092
    Commented Jan 8, 2015 at 1:00

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