I'm a bit confused with all the changes that have been made to crafting in 4.0.
For augments i understand that it works like it did before except there are no greens anymore?
- Buy blue schematic
- Craft blue augment
- RE blue augment till you get purple schematic
- Craft purple augment
But for armoring and gear i don't really get it completely.
The best armoring schematic we can buy is a 36 one, which is barely as good as 60 end gear.
You cant RE gear or armorings from the green/blue crystals vendor.
So is the only way to get a schematic for a good armoring then from Ops? Same for the gear, i understand that you need story mode gear to RE to get a schematic, then craft that gear and RE it to a Hard mode gear piece.
Does gear from HM FP qualify for this aswell?