This is two overlapping questions:
- Are VATS shots considered hip fire?
- If so, for weapons that I use most often in VATS, does it benefit me to pick mods that improve hip fire accuracy?
It's a little complicated.
I ran over 50 tests (20 modded weapons of 6 different types from 2-3 firing distances) before running out of time and patience. If you test other weapons or find this is simpler than it seems, please let me know.
Based on testing so far, VATS considers weapon fire to be:
The following have no effect on whether VATS treats something as hip fire or sighted fire:
And finally:
So two very general rules if you use VATS often:
I de-modded weapons of 6 types down to their base configurations.
Then I remodded them as follows for hip fire, sighted fire, and/or scoped fire, adding only mods that directly mention affecting hip/sighted/scoped fire. Note: If a weapon used Scoped mods, I attached a scope; if it used Sighted mods, I attached a reflex sight.
Weapon configurations tested:
I VATS-targeted a stationary settler from two predetermined distances and checked the to-hit percentage for the target's core/body. Disclaimer: no settlers were harmed in the making of this answer.
Initially I assumed that sights and scopes were treated the same. But it appears that sighted and scoped mods don't benefit sights and scopes uniformly. For example:
Based on one person's anecdotal experience, VATS seems to be hip fire.
Its hip fire
I know because I had a thing that reduced hip fire and my vats accuracy went down, swapped the mod to one that improved hip fire and it went up
If VATS is correctly reporting the probability to hit, it uses sighted accuracy. I tested it both with handguns and rifles against a stationary target at a fixed distance. Swapping barrels onto the weapon that improved sighted accuracy greatly improved the reported probability to hit.