
I’m making pretty much zombies on mince craft but I can’t figure out a good way to spawn them with out just using /summon at pre set points and having a long chain of command blocks set on either a timer or just connected by redstone. If there’s a way to have them spawn at random points within a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ area or just a square radius I’d love it if you could help.


1 Answer 1


Use /spreadplayers:

/spreadplayers x z spreadDistance maxRange target


  • x and z: the x- and z-coordinates of the centre
  • spreadDistance: the minimum distance between the entities
  • maxRange the maximum horizontal distance to spread the entities from the centre specified in x and z (must be at least spreadDistance + 1)
  • taget: the entities to spread

For example, to “summon” zombies at least 1 block apart in a 7 × 7 square centred at your current position, you need to first summon the zombies:

summon zombie

and then teleport them using spreadplayers:

spreadplayers ~ ~ 1 3 @e[type=zombie,x=~,y=~,z=~,dx=1,dy=1,dz=1]

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