Grelka is a comely nord lass from the city of Riften. She dreams of leaving Skyrim, demands your money in the gruffest manner possible, sells and offers training in the use of Light Armor, buys a variety of legitimate, and with a properly honeyed tongue, illegitimate goods at a fair price (certainly better than that churl of a blacksmith Balimund. He offers to marry me daily. I guess Skyrim is pretty progressive like that). Oh, and by Skyrim standards, she's gorgeous. Skyrim standards aren't terribly high in this regard.
According to Prima's official strategy guide, as well as UESP, and The Elder Scrolls Wikia, she is an eligible Bachelorette (and what a catch!). She's a member of the PotentialMarriageFaction
, but no matter what I say to her, no matter how many of her goods I buy, no matter what valuable gifts I secretly deposit in her pockets, she refuses to acknowledge my Amulet of Mara.
The heartless woman just will not marry me.
How can I win Grelka's love and devotion for all eternity? How can I make her mine?
(Alternately, how can I get her to agree to a marriage of convenience, secure in the knowledge that my imminent death will award her an inheritance of the sort the emperor could only dream? I'm not really that picky here.)
means "hot water bottle" (or heating pad).