Steam officially released Big Picture Mode today, for navigating Steam with a controller. They claim it can be used from the computer, without the need to hook up to a TV.

But, how do I do it? I've looked over all the menus and settings, and don't see anything for Big Picture Mode anywhere!

  • 7
    Why the close vote? Just because you think it's obvious doesn't make it a bad question.
    – GnomeSlice
    Commented Dec 4, 2012 at 2:10

1 Answer 1


Do'h! Looks like I just needed to restart Steam (even though I had already gotten the update...)

Then the "Big Picture Mode" button is hard to miss - it's in the upper-right of the Steam UI.

Steam UI

  • It can also be launched directly from the Notification Tray icon (on Windows). Presumably there is some command line switch as well. Commented Dec 4, 2012 at 16:13

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