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Questions tagged [assassins-creed]

This tag is for any question about the Ubisoft Montreal game Assassin's Creed, which takes place in the holy land, during the Third Crusade (1191)

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Is Assassin's Creed 1 technically an immersive sim? [closed]

Recently, I got introduced to the Immersive Sim genre. I had a great time, and it is one of my favorite genres. In addition, I had watched videos and done research on what defines an immersive sim, ...
Crafter's user avatar
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How to fix Assassins Creed from pinging dead servers/how to "reroute" the IP addresses of those servers?

Apparently the game pings these IP Addresses: Is there a way to make the game think that these IP addresses are alive? such as when ...
krobeN's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is there a difference between the PC and Console versions of Assassin's Creed?

While playing the PC Version of Assassin's Creed (which on steam is called the Director's Cut Edition) I've started noticing some things about it which I don't recall from the Console version, some of ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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In assassin's creed, how do I get viewpoints on the map?

I am playing assassin's creed and when I go to the map no viewpoints show up and when I go up to where they usually are, they don't allow me to synchronise.
Beth's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

If i buy a Ubisoft game on Steam will it appear in UPLAY list as well?

I want to buy on sale a Ubisoft game on Steam. The only problem is that i want to collect all Ubisoft games on UPLAY. If i buy the game on Steam will it appear in the UPLAY games list? so i will be ...
EPurpl3's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Am I supposed to kill red guys in Assassin's Creed?

I am playing Assassin's Creed 1 and my little spider sense thing started flashing red, so I used Eagle Vision (E) and it revealed that two guys standing nearby are "enemies": Now, an enemy is ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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How do I do fast attacks reliably?

If I attack someone, it won't do fast attacks most of the time. I don't know what triggers it, but it seemingly at random changes between clicks fast attacks and holding the mouse being a defensive ...
Super Suit 12's user avatar
-1 votes
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What do the dots on the golden globe at the end of Assassin's Creed signify?

After Altair kills his master Al Mualim, the Apple of Eden projects a golden globe like this: The entire globe rotates and on it there are many golden dots which keep blinking. My question: What do ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I install Assassin's Creed through Steam?

Many years ago (before I bought a gaming PC) I bought Assassin's Creed 1 on disc, without realizing my (then) current PC would have no hope of playing it. After discovering this I left the game in a ...
imulsion's user avatar
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Is it socially acceptable to punch the poor and mentally deranged?

About an hour into Assassin's creed, I'm constantly either being pestered by poor people for money, or being pushed around by a mentally unstable person (for no reason other than being in their way). ...
alexqwx's user avatar
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Objectives not showing up on the map

I've started playing the entire Assassin's Creed saga again, however in AC1 I'm having some problems. In the assassination missions, you need to scale a tower and synchronise viewpoints in order to ...
user70099's user avatar
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How do I unlock 'Hungerer of Knowledge' and 'Conversationalist' on the XBOX 360?

Is there any way I can get these achievements after I beat the game? Perhaps a challenge/replay mode? Do I have to delete all of my progress from my account and replay it if I wish to acquire ALL of ...
Poke'mon Champion Forrest's user avatar
5 votes
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Two stealth kills in less than three minutes

In the game Assassin's Creed for the Xbox 360, in the memory block 4 one of the informers from the rich district of Damascus will give you a mission to assassinate two guards in less than three ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to pickpocket in Assassins Creed 1 on Xbox?

Once you lock on to your target with LT how do you actually pickpocket?
M. Travis Volker's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to assassinate guards when saving a citizen?

I have tried several times to "get the jump" on the guards that are harassing a citizen. I thought that I could take one out the same way you take ot single guards. However, as soon as I lock on, the ...
Sandokan's user avatar
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Volume of first Assassins Creed extremely low

So a while ago I purchased the first two Assassins Creed games for the PC from target. Recently, I decided to actually begin playing them for the first time. However the volume for the story line is ...
TheRyan722's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Keep Games in Full Screen Mode

I am playing Assassin's Creed on Windows 7. After I launch the game, suppose I get a pop-up (like Windows Update). Now the game is stuck in windowed mode, and no way to get it back to full screen. Is ...
Daniel Kats's user avatar
4 votes
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What happened to Lucy Stillman?

It has been a while since I've played Assassin's Creed 1, and I'm trying to refresh myself on the plot as I play the newer games. I've come across something that's been bothering me. I could swear ...
EBongo's user avatar
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Can I play investigations after the relevant assassination?

I returned to the assassins bureau and then completed my assigned assassination before I had completed all the available investigations in the area. Is there any way to play the investigations that I ...
Brian Beckett's user avatar
2 votes
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How Do you complete Memory Block 3?

After defeating Talal, I'm wandering around this level for quite a while without any clue in how I can complete Jerusalem. What should I do?
Rellik's user avatar
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Is it required to kill all additional guards to save a citizen?

Are you only required to kill the specific guards that were harassing the citizen? Oftentimes another guard (or several guards) will patrol along and join the fight when they see it happening. Once ...
Wallace Brown's user avatar
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How does Desmond relive Altair and/or Ezio's memories?

I've heard people say that Desmond was not related to Altair and/or Ezio and that Ezio is not related to Altair. If that's true, then how did he access their memories? I thought that he could only ...
The Professor's user avatar
15 votes
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Is there an easy way to quit Assassins' Creed on PC?

If I'm in a memory inside the Animus (i.e. playing the game) and I want to quit the game completely, it seems like I have to follow this sequence of operations:- Pause the game Select 'Exit Memory' ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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How can I kill assasination targets quickly and quietly?

There are some optional missions where you have to kill some targets (yellow targets) without been discovered. Theses missions are ridiculously harder for me than others of the same levels, but I've ...
Dr. No's user avatar
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Is there any reward for completing all the memories and collecting all the flags? [duplicate]

Do you get anything after collecting all the different flags and completing all the memories so everything is full? I don't want to try and collect everything in every memory if I don't get anything ...
Emma's user avatar
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Is Assassin’s Creed in the Ultimate Collection the Director’s Cut?

I am considering buying a copy of the Assassin’s Creed Ultimate Collection but am having trouble determining if the copy of AC1 in it is the Director’s Cut or not. (If not, is there an update or ...
Synetech's user avatar
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Where does the decoy run in Assassin's Creed 1?

In one of the later missions in Assassin's Creed 1, you are told to assassinate a dude. Where does the decoy run, and can the decoy be killed?
Steve V.'s user avatar
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Is there a point completing all of the available memories before assassinating your target?

Is there any point in collecting all memories before going to kill main victim? Completing 2 memories is sufficient. I completed everything in the poor district in Damascus and Acre, and I just ...
s7anley's user avatar
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Is there a way to turn on subtitles in the PC version of Assassin's Creed?

I just bought the first Assassin's Creed on Steam. The game plays fine, but the voices are difficult to make out. Is there a way to turn on subtitles in the PC version of Assassin's Creed?
Steve V.'s user avatar
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What do I do after killing Garnier de Naplouse?

I'm on Memory Block 3, in Damascus for my first time, and I killed the doctor abusing his patients (and turning them into mental cases) in the castle. I returned to the guild, and now I have no ...
t123's user avatar
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How do I know what time of day it is in Assassin's Creed?

How long is a full day in Assassin's Creed, and is there a way to find out what time of day it is in the game?
Neil Barnwell's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I beat Robert de Sable in the cemetary?

I'm at the point in Assassin's Creed where I try to assassinate Robert de Sable on the cemetary in Jerusalem, but he notices that I am among the crowd and ambushes me with his men. I am having a hard ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
10 votes
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How do I access the desk and conference room computers in the lab?

I've just reached the end of the original Assassins Creed, and I've presumably missed something I was supposed to do over the course of the game, because while I'm able to access the terminal ...
DMA57361's user avatar
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How to stop Assassin's Creed's speech from desynching?

It is really annyoing since in cutscenes I spend about half the time watching lips moving and gestures finishing to something said half a minute ago :-( This problem seems to occur rather often, but ...
Zommuter's user avatar
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Length of single player campaign in the Assassin's Creed series? [duplicate]

Approximately how long is the single player campaign in each of the various Assassin's Creed games, for both completionist as well as story-only runs?
Steve V.'s user avatar
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Gamepad for Assassin's Creed for PC not working

I have a Logitech wireless gamepad which is not recognized by AC. Any ideas?
user5377's user avatar
8 votes
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How do I continue the game in Assassin's Creed 1 after I reach the credits?

How do I continue playing Assassin's Creed 1 in my savegame (Wandering around, trying the air assassination skill, open-roaming, getting all the Templar flags, ...) after I reach the credits in the ...
JFW's user avatar
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Is it worth finishing Assassin's Creed 1 before playing 2?

How much of the storyline carries over to the second version? I'm considering skipping to AC2 since I've heard its quite a bit more varied and generally a better game. AC1 was fun in the beginning ...
Andre Luus's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Has anyone been able to run Assassin's Creed 1 on Windows 7? [closed]

Please note that I'm talking about Assassin's Creed 1 and not 2. I know that 2 supports Windows 7. It's part 1 that I'm concerned about. I had installed that game sometime a while back but had been ...
Mugen's user avatar
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How can I avoid my opponents' defense breaks?

I'm Italian and I'm playing the Italian version of the game, so sorry, I don't know the name of the combat maneuver. I will try to explain: From the 5th block (I think), you can break the enemy's ...
s.susini's user avatar
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Effects of saving citizens in Assassin's Creed

I recall reading somewhere that saving citizens would somehow make your major assassinations easier, but saving all the citizens in Damascus didn't seem to do anything for me when I was running from ...
sjohnston's user avatar
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Group fighting technique in Assassin's Creed

I'm partway through the second mission, and I've been fighting multiple enemies by blocking, waiting for one of the enemies to start to move, and then counter-killing. Rinse and repeat. This is slow, ...
sjohnston's user avatar
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22 votes
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Is there a point in collecting all the flags in Assassin's Creed?

There are many collectable flags throughout the game of Assassin's Creed and every time one is collected, you get a progress indicator (e.g., 33 of 100). Is there any reason to collect these, other ...
cowgod's user avatar
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Are there any ways to fix the disappearing flags bug in Assassin's Creed?

I've been playing Assassin's Creed and used a checklist to find all the flags in the game, but after I got done with the 100 items checking each one off, I ended up with credit for only 99. I talked ...
Orion Adrian's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a crossbow in Assassin's Creed?

The intro video shows Altair with a crossbow on his back, yet I have not received one after completing the game. Is it hidden somewhere in the game, or was that just left in the video to tease us?
cowgod's user avatar
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