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Questions tagged [galaxy-editor]

The Galaxy Map Editor is the map editor for StarCraft II.

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In the SC II Editor, how is the High Templar's weapon assigned?

Having trouble understanding how entities in the Editor are linked together. In particular, I noticed the High Templar unit has no entries in its Weapons array. Yet it obviously has its Psi Blast ...
mgiuffrida's user avatar
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How to change a property of a doodad during gameplay?

Let assume that we have a doodad in the middle of the map, for example 'Rubble Wall 45' (named testwall_1) and also we created a triggers (called 'timer' and 'rotate') with the following action: ...
1000Gbps's user avatar
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Custom variables/fields for units? [closed]

Is there a way to associate new/custom variables with units? There are two triggers I want to apply on a unit. First trigger, invoked on a unit, should check the current order assigned to it and ...
CygnusX1's user avatar
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Probe returning: From which mineral field it gathered resources?

If I have a Probe returning with minerals back to the base (Issued order "ProbeHarvest",1), how do I know where it was mining from? I would like to write a trigger which orders the probe to return ...
CygnusX1's user avatar
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How to make worker carry multiple resources?

I want to make a rather simple (?) change: I would like Probes (or other workers) to be able to carry multiple minerals at the same time. I would expect the probe to: approach the mineral field ...
CygnusX1's user avatar
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Starcraft II Galaxy Editor - How do I decide the dimensions of my dialog?

How do I decide the dimensions of my dialogs in the Starcraft II Galaxy Editor? I've tried the Galaxy ++ Editor, but it does not seem very accurate and when I use the numbers that they provided me ...
chris97ong's user avatar
7 votes
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Are there guides on how to build arcade games for StarCraft 2?

I am interested in building a mini-game and figure StarCraft 2's arcade might be a fun way to get started. Some quick Googling has not turned up any any tutorials on where to get started. I know I can ...
ahsteele's user avatar
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What did Heart of the Swarm add to the Map Editor?

...besides the obvious, of course. Naturally it put models for the various new units in, including the campaign-only mutations, along with the new sound sets. Were any radically new environment ...
Oblivious Sage's user avatar
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In the StarCraft II Galaxy Editor, how can I create a watchtower that provides vision of another area than itself?

I want to create a watchtower that does not provide vision of itself when captured, but rather a completely random unrelated part on the other side of the map. Also, can a map still be a melee map ...
user28062's user avatar
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StarCraft editor won't load any Blizzard maps

I restart my computer and then start up SC2 map editor. I go to open a map and log in to When I select file type "All Editor Maps" and source as "Blizzard", nothing shows up (it says "...
Alexander Bird's user avatar
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How to test map vision / how to open bnet maps in map editor

What is the best way to test vision on bnet maps? For example testing if a proxy building can be seen by units on high ground or xel'naga towers. I can't think of a way to do it, because if I'm ...
tenfour's user avatar
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Map making resources for SC2 [closed]

Where can I find good resources for making maps in SC2? Are there any good tutorials out there on the map editing tools, as I always find the experience of making custom content What goes into the ...
Bingo's user avatar
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Galaxy editor use unit type for trigger?

I have a trigger using the event Unit Enters/Leaves Range of Unit, but it seems to want a specific unit. For the sake of brevity (and saving time for me), how do i set the trigger to find a unit that ...
RCIX's user avatar
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Galaxy Editor change map lighting?

Is it possible to change the global lighting setup of a Starcraft II custom map?
RCIX's user avatar
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Change tileset for already-created Starcraft 2 map?

I started making a custom map and I want to change the tileset to a different one, is there a menu setting for this?
RCIX's user avatar
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Starcraft 2 Galaxy editor mirroring tools?

I like my maps to be symmetrical, and I wanted to know since a casual poking around didn't find anything: Are there any commands or tools in the Starcraft 2 Galaxy editor to assist with making my maps ...
RCIX's user avatar
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Can custom maps in Starcraft 2 automatically enable certain unit upgrades?

If I create a custom map with the Starcraft 2 map editor, how can I specify that some unit upgrades are already researched? For example, if I want all the units to already have the weapons upgrade 1 ...
sth's user avatar
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Starcraft 2 Editor: Test Melee Maps

How can I test my Starcraft 2 melee map? When I go to test map, it launches the map but I don't have a base or any units. The map has 8 starting positions and started out as a 256x256 map I imported ...
EricP's user avatar
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Why do I have to authorize my map-editor every time I open it?

I begrudgingly understand the lack of LAN and the default to "always-on" connection required to enjoy the single and multiplayer aspects of Starcraft II. But why do I have to log in to use ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
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Qualities of a good custom StarCraft 2 map?

I want to start playing around with the Starcraft 2 map editor. I am looking to design maps for standard play. What are considered good qualities of a Starcraft 2 map? I am most interested in things ...
Elpezmuerto's user avatar
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Starcraft 2 AI Mods

Is it possible to create a custom AI in a Starcraft 2 mod? If so, how?
Matt Balkam's user avatar