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How can I capture video while playing Red Alert 2?

My solution for 2020 year, Windows 10. (AMD Radeon specific) In the Radeon drivers settings enable the ReLive. Run the game in windowed mode (alt+enter) because ReLive seems to be unable to record in ...
Nakilon's user avatar
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How to install and run Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge on Windows 10?

If you can find the .exe files then there is something you can do to get them working. I have the complete red alert collection on Origin and i couldn't play them as well. I found this article that ...
Mac Man's user avatar
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Red Alert 2 keeps crashing after playing for a few minutes

Download ddwrapper, unzip, and place ddraw.dll and aqrit.cfg in your red alert 2 directory. These steps I got from the page linked and pasted below The steps I found elsewhere to prevent random ...
Caskman's user avatar
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Does an enemy unit that is being damaged move at slower speed?

I played this game a lot and vehicles never slow down when they get attacked the reason you see them slowing down is for example when a unit is moving and something attacks it then it slows down ...
Kerk's user avatar
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How do I get IPX on a Windows 10 machine for playing old games such as Diablo 1?

For old games, IPX Wrapper is a very good choice. In the case of Red Alert 2, it is not necessary as it also supports TCP, you just have to get this .dll and copy it to your game dir.
Overmind's user avatar
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How can I capture video while playing Red Alert 2?

An alternative, generic solution is using the Game Bar (default hotkey Win+g), which is a standard feature of Windows 10. You can record and broadcast and take screenshots of anything on your desktop,...
Joachim's user avatar
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