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4 votes

Nexus Mods Special Edition Cross Over

Skyrim from 2011 (Oldrim) and Skyrim Special Edition (SE) should be seen as two different games. Save games are not compatible and by default, neither are mods, though some mods will be in some cases (...
Mixxiphoid's user avatar
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Skyrim SE: Game not launching after activating mods through NMM

This is an extremely common issue. It means that one or more of your mods is malfunctioning, usually because of a conflict between two mods. This is why the order of how your mods load in Skyrim is ...
CDove's user avatar
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NMM Error "Error loading the following mods" Fallout 4

Alright, here's what I've discovered. The current version of NMM (I'm on 63.6, not the newest) there is an option to enable Multi-HD Install mode. This can be found by choosing your game, and once ...
nightsurfer's user avatar
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2 votes

Fallout new vegas not showing up mods

While the Nexus Mod Manager makes things pretty simple to install mods, the notoriously unreliable game means there's a variety of reasons your mods may not be loading. Make sure you're starting the ...
PausePause's user avatar
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1 vote

Skyrim SE: Game not launching after activating mods through NMM

This sounds like SKSE is causing the crash. That is not surprising tho: The current version of SKSE for SkyrimSE is an alpha version that contains quite a lot of bugs. It's still in development. ...
Realitätsverlust's user avatar
1 vote

How does Nexus Mod Manager install mods?

On reading this thread on the NMM forums, modified files are not replaced, rather they are overwritten. By this, it means that each time your game loads, it checks your load order, and overwrites ...
nightsurfer's user avatar
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