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Steam Workshop/Game Safety

I don't think you're going to like the answer, but... depends entirely on the game. Or more specifically, on how the game developer integrated workshop features. The more a game allows ...
Powerlord's user avatar
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4 votes

Steam Workshop - can I save a collection of subscribed items?

There is: Go to Community -> Workshop, choose your game using 'Search for a Workshop' found on the right side of the menu, select Browse -> Collections, and in the top right you can find a button '...
Joachim's user avatar
  • 21.6k
4 votes

Unsubscribed workshop mods still taking up space

Figured it out - I had to uninstall the game, and all of the installed mods went with it.
FourEights's user avatar
3 votes

How to hide my favorite workshop items?

As of 17th of May 2024, there's no way to hide your favorite workshop items. Source: Plus the privacy settings only say it's per item,...
xtropicalsoothing's user avatar
3 votes

Can't download workshop game from steam

You cannot download anything from the Steam Workshop if you don't have the base game installed. You mentioned in the comments that you don't own Tabletop Simulator - if that's true, you will be unable ...
Mage Xy's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I add a thumbnail image to my Stellaris mod on the Steam Workshop?

I'm sure by now you solved this, but I'll leave here my answer for others that may encounter this issue. I had this issue too with my mods and ...
Arne's user avatar
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2 votes

How to upload a mod to Steam Workshop

Find your mod in the mods folder (%localappdata%/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods) and create a new file manifest.txt in your mod's folder. Fill it with at least the following attributes: Name, ...
Sumurai8's user avatar
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2 votes

Does unsubscribing from a Workshop item delete the mod files?

According to this (and my own experience removing mods), the files are not actually removed. They still exist in the games folder. You have to go in and manually remove them yourself. For example, ...
n_plum's user avatar
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2 votes

Steam Workshop/Game Safety

For games that use a submission-based workshop (like TF2, DOTA2, and CS:GO), there is no chance to contract a virus, as there is no way to download the workshop item in question. Submissions are only ...
Gigazelle's user avatar
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2 votes

Counter Strike GO - How to start a custom map as deathmatch (practice with bots)?

You can do that by doing the following steps: Step 1: Enable dev console for CS:GO Step 2: Open console with ~ key and execute this command to start the map: game_mode 2;game_type 1;exec ...
123iamking's user avatar
1 vote

Where's "Unsubscribe" on the Workshop page of America's Army in Steam?

Go to the page for the item you want to unsubscribe from, to see the Unsubscribe option. Or go to the list of your items / your items from this game, and there should be a list of "Unsubscibe&...
Malady's user avatar
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1 vote

Files restored to Starbound's workshop folder won't appear ingame

You likely need to subscribe to the mods again in the Workshop. That should trigger Steam to look for their respective content in said folder.
Joachim's user avatar
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1 vote

Change enabled map game modes CSGO

You can forcibly execute a deathmatch game by typing this command in console: game_mode 2;game_type 1;exec gamemode_deathmatch You should also restart the match after typing that in. Type ...
Kalazakan's user avatar
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1 vote

F1 2016 - Loading setups from Steam Workshop

The way the Steam Workshop works is similar to how you described. Yes, you have to subscribe to the Wokrshop Item you want to load in to (perhaps *) use it. And you probably know, but to reassure ...
ghostwalker13's user avatar
1 vote

Skyrim on new PC

There is a bit of a conflict in what you're saying here. There are various ways to go about modding Skyrim; one of them being through the Steam Workshop. But then you also mention NMM - Nexus Mod ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar

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