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2 votes

Are there any light sources which the player may carry in the original Red Dead Redemption?

Based on a Game FAQs thread, there are no carriable light sources: Although that also makes me wish that John could at least carry a lamp with him! When I started the game I assumed it was supposed ...
Timmy Jim's user avatar
  • 56k
1 vote

Are the new gang hideouts added in "The Liars and Cheats" DLC multiplayer-only?

The Hideouts added by The Liars and Cheats DLC are only available in Free Roam (multiplayer). As the wiki states: The Liars and Cheats DLC adds seven hideouts to Free Roam that are not available ...
Xander's user avatar
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1 vote

How does the Warhorse compares with other horses in Red Dead Redemption?

War horses do not scare. Unlike the rest who will kick you off when scared war horse will stick with till the bitter end.
Kirk's user avatar
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1 vote

Buying vs catching a horse in Red Dead Redemption

Personally, I would catch a horse because buying them is really expensive, also when you catch a horse it gives you a trusty steed bonus ( I don't really know what that means)
Alexwattle's user avatar

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