I have a setup to play NES games according to this link. I ordered two of these controllers. I am not able to play the games smoothly.
Problem: when playing Contra I press the down button on D-pad but often the player starts moving right with gun pointed down. When I tap the A button quickly (causes the player to jump), the second tap gets ignored.
Its not that the controllers are completely messed up and I have the wrong key bindings. The player gets down at times but more often than not it would move right. Both controllers are giving this issue. I am not sure if its problem with controller or the emulator or both?. I also downloaded Nestopia for PC and tried the controllers on PC and had the same problem. Also I have tried other games besides Contra and the issue is still there with them as well.
Has anyone experienced this and know what I am talking about? How can I fix this please?
EDIT: Wanted to add few updates here. Tried the diagnostic tool reported by agent86. No issues found there.
Also retropie is using the lr-fceumm emulator, not nestopia. Some probem is definitely there as retropie sometimes does strange things like going back to previous menu even though I don't press any key etc.
This review also reports same kind of issue.
EDIT: Adding another update for benefit of others. The fact that there are issues when tested against two different emulators seems to suggest that this is a problem with the controller (also there are many other users on amazon that report such problems) BUT I think the emulators also may not be without flaws. I tested the controllers I have against windows diagnostics (screenshot above) and the buttons seem to work properly there. I will update this page if I get my hands on an original NES controller to see how that performs vs. the USB controllers I have right now. In the meantime its definitely a pain to play games like Mario where I need to jump quickly e.g., I tap the A button quickly twice but the player jumps only once and the second tap gets ignored.