For example, the Shadow Blade shows 3000 (1000)

What is the (1000) supposed to represent?

1 Answer 1


The number in rounded brackets is the cost of recipe that is needed to craft the item.

For example, the total cost of Shadow Blade is 3300 (not 3000), split in:

  • Claymore: 1400
  • Quarterstaff: 900
  • Shadow Blade recipe: 1000

If an item does not need a recipe to be crafted the Wiki shows only a number.

  • so basically you don't save any money by crafting it yourself vs buying the item directly
    – l I
    Commented Dec 23, 2011 at 15:03
  • Yep, correct...
    – Drake
    Commented Dec 23, 2011 at 15:32
  • Yeah there's no real crafting in Dota2. You either have all of the pieces of the "recipe"/upgraded item, which makes it, or you don't. The cost of recipes is something a lot of LoL players have trouble understanding, I don't really get why.
    – Decency
    Commented Dec 23, 2011 at 16:11
  • @Decency Most likely because in LoL the recipe cost is hidden and rolled into the combined item. e.g. Buying a 2 component item in DotA is X + Y + Recipe = Z. Buying a 2 component item in LoL is X + Y <= Z, where Z has the hidden recipe cost built in. LoL has chosen to display it one way, and unfortunately the transition from LoL -> DotA in that regard is less obvious because of the missing information, as opposed to vice versa of DotA -> LoL where you have pre-existing information.
    – TheQ
    Commented Dec 23, 2011 at 16:58

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