I've designed a SSTO shuttle using mostly B9 Aerospace parts that flies pretty well with Ferram Aerospace Research. The only problem being that it doesn't really like to slow down that much, and landing at speeds approaching mach 1 is ill-advised at best. The solution, of course, is to use air-brakes.
The problem is that for air-brakes to be effective, they need to be in the airstream, and if they're in the airstream, they tend to heat up. When they heat up, they tend to explode, and exploding air-brakes is not good.
This doesn't only happen during re-entry either; on the first full test mission for this craft, I lost a few of them on the ascent. In fact, the ascent is when I'm more likely to experience this, since I'm flying at a smaller angle of attack during the air-breathing phase, limiting my ability to shield the air-brakes with the wings and body of the shuttle. There's also the problem that sometimes the air-brakes aren't destroyed in pairs, leading to a situation where I introduce a yaw on the vessel when I apply them.
Is there any way to enable heat shielding to these parts specifically, and any part in general? Adding a construction time option similar to how B9 lets you toggle the various landing gear between unshielded and shielded would be optimal.