Short Version
PC should be faster due to superior inputs.
Long Version
As far as I know, there is no major difficulty difference between console and PC. I found no mention of any distinct ones, at least.
Console "Advantages"
The Ultimate Evil Edition has a couple of things that could be considered advantageous:
- Dodging
- Nemesis System
- Lock-On Targeting
Dodging is really the one that sticks out here as being an advantage, but it's not really that huge, and it's probably outweighed by the superior inputs of mouse and keyboard.
The Nemesis system is only active if you have friends playing, and even then it may give you some loot every now and then. Again, not a major difference.
Lock-on targeting is just another response to the less responsive controls, and doesn't bring any real advantage I can think of.
PC Advantages
The PC version has a couple of advantages too:
- Superior Input Capabilities
- Aimable skills
- Faster Inventory Management
- Earlier patches (if this is still the case)
The first two really set the bar for why playing on PC gives you an edge. You have more control of where you're character is going, where your projectiles are flying and where your area of effect skills are placed. Things that come to mind is teleporting to specific spots without turning to face them, playing crowd control effects between you and your opponents, etc. All only limited by how fast you can aim with a mouse. This becomes even more important with the ever-increasing speeds of the most popular builds (Whirlwind Barb and Dash Monk come to mind).
The same goes for managing inventory etc. Even with a good controller system, I still give the edge to the PC here. This isn't difficulty per se, but since you mentioned the time it took to reach a certain level, it adds up.
Earlier patches is important due to the power creep (or exponential power increase as it seems these days) that comes with each subsequent patch. When caught up, this obviously doesn't make a difference.
All in all, I think it must have come down to luck or how comfortable you are with the control schemes, as I can't see any reason the console version would be easier (unless there are differences in drop rates or monster/player power, but I wasn't able to find any mention of such).
On a personal note, I think it only took me a few days to reach a point where I was speedfarming Torment 6 on hardcore this season (3) without having to pay too much attention. If it takes you months, then I suggest looking up some builds (for example, here).
Unless you prefer to find your own way, then I salute you and wish you the best of luck!