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Questions tagged [smite]

SMITE is a free-to-play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game that offers third-person action. In Smite, players choose from a selection of mythical gods, join session-based arena combat, and use custom powers and team tactics against other player-controlled gods and non-player controlled minions.

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Spells and artefacts sometimes not casting

First I want to point out the obvious about different cast types, and I use instant cast (cast immediately on click). However I've noticed something VERY annoying which is that sometimes my spells ...
Charanor's user avatar
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Nu Wa Ult Max Damage

Assuming you have unlimited gold to purchase anything, full stacks on items, fire giant buff, damage camp, the 3000 gold elixir to give you increased power(forget the name), AND frenzy relic. What ...
Brandon Muise's user avatar
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Loki proper ult combo

What is the proper Ult> basic attack/skill combo using Loki attending to the buffs to basics skills provide? In the case you have all cd ready and not need of inv for disengage: For example=> 3, ult ...
Westside Tony's user avatar
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How to get exclusive skins in Smite?

In Smite there are many skins you can choose for each hero, but how does one get the skins that say EXCLUSIVE in the picture? There is not an obvious way of purchasing these skins, I want the one for ...
RainMaker's user avatar
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Does ADC strictly mean Hunter?

I understand that ADC (an abbreviation of Attack Damage Carry) is a term that came from other MOBAs. In League of Legends it appears that the term is an old term since replaced with Marksman, ...
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How does the assist system work?

I have noticed that I am getting assists when I am near an enemy god that dies, despite not attacking the god. Does the assist system merely work on distance as opposed to doing damage? Do I not get ...
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What are the differences between Joust 3v3 and Duel 1v1?

In ranked matches you can play Duel matches. I read that for the Joust mode: There are also 2 Ranked variants of this game mode: A standard 3v3 Joust and a 1v1 variant called Duel. What is ...
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What is the maximum distance for Janus's ultimate when attempting to unlock the No Scope award?

In patch 3.9 Janus can now achieve the No Scope award: As Janus hit at least two enemy gods with your ultimate at max distance. Janus's ult appears to travel through the entire map. It casts ...
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What is the criteria for entering ranked matches?

I have almost reached rank 30, which unlocks ranked games in the menu. I have been told that there are additional requirements. Namely I need to master at least 18 gods. This isn't really a problem,...
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Do you run slower backwards or sideways?

I know that you move slower when using your basic attack. I also know that jumping has no speed penalties. Is this the same when running backwards or sideways? If true, what is the speed difference ...
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What are the advantages of Fenrir's combos?

I've been playing as Fenrir a lot over the past week (mainly because it is on the current free rotation). With Fenrir being a lot more common, I have noticed that players mainly use one of these two ...
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Which items should I use to maximise Ra's Solar Blessing ability?

I want to play Ra as a healer. Which items can I use to maximise the healing for team mates? I would guess some items that reduce cooldown times, but is there anything more or specific that I should ...
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How to solo Gold Fury?

Which gods are best suited for soloing gold fury? Do I need to be at a specific level? Any generic/additional tips or items that will help?
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How to play as Anubis?

I unlocked Anubis and after the first few games I found myself struggling to get to grips with the god. His 1 (Plague of Locusts) and ult leave you open to attack. Also, it feels that his only real ...
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What is the difference between physical and magical lifesteal?

Lifesteal items allow you to heal yourself by attacking another player. However, I am finding items are either physical lifesteal or magical lifesteal. I know gods are classed as either physical or ...
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Can I change what items/abilities are purchased when auto-buy is enabled?

I am trying to make the transition between only using auto-buy and using some manual selections. Is it possible for the auto-buy to use a custom order of items/abilities? Maybe mix the God builder ...
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How does the auto-buy determine which items/abilities to buy?

I noticed that when using the auto-buy the outcome wasn't always exactly the same. For example, in Conquest I would have consumables that were not given in Arena (I used the same God in both games). ...
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Jungle camps in Conquest

What are the timers and health points for each of the camps in conquest and joust? And how do fire giant and gold fury scale?
Woods's user avatar
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What does "burst" mean?

When reading various strategies for Smite, I have encountered terms such as: burst assassin and burst damage What exactly does "burst" mean?
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How is difficulty calculated and what does each difficulty rating mean?

In Smite each god has a difficulty rating. How is this calculated? Is it dynamically adjusted or "hard-coded" to a specific setting? What does it mean for a god to be "easy" or "hard"?
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Which gods and game mode are most suitable for the 20 to 1 achievement?

In Smite there is an achievement for getting 20 kills and 1 death in a single game. Which gods, general strategy and game mode should I use to maximise my chances of obtaining this achievement?
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Which gods are suitable for the Hard Carry achievement?

In Smite there is an achievement for getting 20+ kills in a conquest game type. Which gods and general strategy should I use to maximise my chances of obtaining this achievement?
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How to develop a buying strategy?

Smite was the first MOBA game I played. After trying the various game modes on the Xbox One version I stuck with the straight forward Arena game mode. I enabled the auto-buy features and just ...
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Which attacks will nullify Khepri's special?

I use Khepri a lot, specifically in Arena, and I've noticed that some moves nullify his blessing. For example, an ally who is blessed and then gets killed by Ao Kuang's ultimate will not be revived. I ...
Dpeif's user avatar
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Can an aura buff an aura?

Specifically, I want to know if the aura buff from my Rod of Asclepius that increases ally healing and restoration also affects the HP5 they get from my Sovereignty. Granted, the buff would be minute,...
Dpeif's user avatar
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How can I improve my aim in Smite? [closed]

This question is similar to How can I aim better/kill people more often in first person shooters?; but instead of first person shooters, I'm playing Smite. I find that when trying to aim skills that ...
WeirdestQuestions's user avatar
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Smite Callouts?

I am new to Smite and I have only been playing for 2.1 hours and I'm really enjoying it. My question is, when I get into a more competitive Smite game, is there any callouts that I need to know?
zuno987's user avatar
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Which God has the 'Bird is the Word' dance emote?

I've been pondering on this for the last hour or two, I can't remember at all which god it is and it's bugging me.
CrabtasticGoat's user avatar
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Can you reduce protections below zero for an enemy god, creating a damage increase?

Say I have an item that reduces magical protection by 10 for ten seconds, and you have 20 magical protection. If I hit you two times, your magical protection should be at 0, meaning you would take ...
Dpeif's user avatar
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Is it possible that my connection speed could effect my FPS?

Recently I got my laptop repaired. I started it up, updated drivers and started up smite. However, when I began playing I noticed my FPS was low, even in the menu. It told me my FPS was 15.32 my ping ...
CrabtasticGoat's user avatar
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In Smite, how do I address the problem of jungling/ganking in Joust 3v3s?

In Smite, like many, my favorite game mode is Joust 3v3 because it alows faster leveling and game-play, in a game where my individual play effects the outcome more heavily. However, this is the same ...
J.Todd's user avatar
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What are the numbers beside the Awards in Smite?

In the "list" view of the Awards, there is a white number in the upper right corner. For example, the 2000 next to Healer. Is this XP, Favor, or something else?
Dpeif's user avatar
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Text gets cut off on Match of the Day description in Smite

The text in the description of the Match/Mode Of The Day gets cut off when the text is too long in Smite (at least on Xbox One). Even after the First Win... text disappears, the rest of the ...
Dpeif's user avatar
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How large is a Smite Arena map in units?

I'm trying to get a frame of reference for just how big maps are. The Through Space and Time power will cast portals through any surface "within range 500", and then does 200% magical power as damage "...
Dpeif's user avatar
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What are the rules for Tower targeting in Smite?

How do towers (and pheonixes and titans etc) decide when to attack minions vs gods when both are in range? I've personally seen several scenarios where towers ignore minions in favor of gods, when ...
Dpeif's user avatar
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Do certain player skins have tactical advantages in Smite?

I bought the G.E.B. 1 skin for Geb (the Transformer looking skin), and noticed it changes his X skill, the boulder morph, into a spaceship morph. The spaceship version of it is definitely wider ...
Dpeif's user avatar
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Green numbers beside the items in smite?

What are the green numbers beside the items in smite ? i don't think so they are any amount of currency or an amount of power the god will deal.
captainbrave9's user avatar
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How is Thanatos typically built?

So, I've just unlocked Thanatos and ended up playing him twice in Assault. However, I was building him as I would a typical basic attacking god with extremely poor results. I'm fairly sure that's the ...
Ellesedil's user avatar
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How do you jungle in Smite?

I'm not very familiar with jungling in Smite. Assuming that you've picked an appropriate jungler, what does the jungler do during the course of the game? Some information I'm looking for is: ...
Ellesedil's user avatar
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What makes for a good jungle god?

Since I tend to spend most of my time playing Smite in Assault, I have very little experience with jungling. What qualities are valuable for a god to take into the jungle?
Ellesedil's user avatar
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What makes a god excel in a support role?

As the title, what makes a god a excel in a support role? I'm aware that support characters tend to be guardians, but there are several gods that can heal others from the mage or warrior god type ...
Ellesedil's user avatar
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Which lane shall I choose in which case?

I'd like to know more about the lane thing in Smite. I'm quite a MOBA noob and I never really understood the concept of the "who goes which lane?" concept. Could you enlighten me a little about that?
Lunaetic's user avatar
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Is there a way to lane Poseidon as Scylla?

I always struggle laneing Poseidon as Scylla. I was wondering (as hard as it is to believe) if there is a way...
CrabtasticGoat's user avatar
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If you block a player, can they see if you're online or not?

Currently, Smite has two statuses "Online" and "Do Not Disturb", but no "Appear Offline" option. Does anyone know if the "Block Player" functions like it does for Steam, in the sense that you "...
TheFaster's user avatar
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Is there a way to read my god's abilities before the game starts?

I'm still pretty new to Smite, and I like playing Assault to get random new gods and give them a try. However, I always find myself "idling" in base for a minute after spawn to read all the new god's ...
Invader Skoodge's user avatar
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Are smurf accounts allowed in Smite

I know there are complaints of many smurf accounts at low levels, but are they technically allowed? Are there any instances of people being banned for using smurf accounts?
FreeAsInBeer's user avatar
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What do these numbers across the skills mean?

When watching other players play Smite, the UI sometimes looks different from what I see. For example, in this screenshot, there are extra numbers across Anhur's 4 skills: I know that the top numbers ...
Invader Skoodge's user avatar
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What strategy can I use to beat Agni in the mid lane with Vulcan?

In Smite, I like to play Vulcan, who is a mid-laner. I'm Mastery Level 10, so by now I know strategies to beat a few different gods in the mid lane with Vulcan. Agni, however, regardless of who he is ...
CuriousWebDeveloper's user avatar
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Are voice packs you own applied to other player's emotes?

If I own a voice pack for a character my ally is playing but he doesn't, will the voice pack be applied so that I don't hear the default voice when he uses VGS? I don't own many voice packs so it ...
FreeAsInBeer's user avatar
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A solution to deal with disconnects / afks in MOBAs? [closed]

I wonder, why there isn't a system to deal with afk/dc in MOBAs (or any other team-based game mode), most arguments are like: the smaller team gets more exp/gold since it's divided to a smaller group ...
Estefunny's user avatar