I've built an underground minecart track to allow me fast travel between two outposts. In the middle I've placed a powered rail, with a long redstone line to each post. I connected these two to a device with two inputs, and one output. When one of the inputs change, so does the output, effectively allowing me to turn the underground powered rail on and off from my outposts, acting sort of as a station. I recently hooked up this device's output to the input of another one of these devices, making the other input a lever so that I may also control the power to the rail from underground.
It powers up perfectly, but when I try to turn it off, it simply won't, even when destroying all redstone wires to it. How can I fix this?
XOR Gate
controlling the circuit? If you've wired it up correctly and have verified that the problem isn't the logic gate, perhaps the Redstone Dust that serves as the inputs into the gate accidentally touches the powered rail at some point? Maybe there is (for some reason) a stray Redstone Torch powering the rail somewhere.