I'm trying to connect my Nintendo DS to Internet, but my router have a WPA security, which isn't supported by the DS. So I'd like to create a hotspot to share my wifi at home, but with a WEP security or no password at all.
I tried to use my Windows laptop but it requires a password. I also attempted to use Powershell with these two commands:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=anything key=
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
but the second command writes "Group or resource isn't in the correct state to perform required operation" (this may not be the exact error message, it's a translation of mine).
I downloaded some mobile apps too, but none has provided a way to create an open hotspot or to change the security level to WEP. So currently I'm using my mobile data, but I have a bad connection (which doesn't work often) and I don't want to apply some obscure changes to my router in order to modify the security. Does someone have an idea to help me?