(I'm sorry for bad English, I'm not native speaker)
My Bukkit server in offline mod.
I tried to add an username in the game, for example, 'Bear' and used command '/reload'.
But in whitelist.json I saw 'bear' (with no capital). For sure Bear can't connect to server.
Then I turned off my server. In whitelist.json I changed 'bear' to 'Bear'. After this I run my server and in whitelist.json I saw 'bear'. Again.
Then I turned off my server. I deleted usernamecache.json. I run my server again. I added a new username in the game, for example, 'fox' and then '/reload'.
And what I saw in whitelist.json? 'FoX' and 'bear'!
Well, I turn off my server, I opened whitelist.json again and changed 'bear' to 'Bear' and 'FoX' to 'fox'. I turned on my server. After this usernames didn't changed: I saw 'Bear' and 'fox'. But this players still can't connect to my server.
To be honest, I don't remember very well sequencing, but I really tried to write it as accurate as it possible.