How can I decrease the maximum health of a player using commands in Minecraft 1.8?

2 Answers 2


This is possible using item attributes with a command like this:

replaceitem entity @p slot.armor.feet chainmail_boots 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.maxHealth",Name:"generic.maxHealth",Amount:-10,Operation:0,UUIDMost:12272,UUIDLeast:110438}]}

What the above command does is replace one of a selected entity's armor slots (in this case their feet) with a piece of armor that has a negative maxHealth attribute, causing their maximum health to lower.

You can change the number after Amount: to change how much their health drops by; 1 unit is half a heart.

Note that their health will go back up if they take the armor piece off, so you will probably want to have the command on a clock.


and for a button and only 1 heart, use this: replaceitem entity @p slot.armor.head stone_button 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.maxHealth",Name:"generic.maxHealth",Amount:-18,Operation:0,UUIDMost:12272,UUIDLeast:110438}]}

  • 1
    This adds nothing new and is essentially just a copy/paste of the accepted answer.
    – Skylinerw
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 22:06

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