I'm trying to finish the level 12 in Vim-Adventures, but it is a little bit hard so far.

enter image description here

I tried to insert text (purple text) with i, a and o, but it didn't work. I wanted to paste the text, but I didn't find the words to complete that.

enter image description here

Could anyone be able to help me at this point?

  • What exactly are you struggling with? Pasting text you've yanked?
    – user140963
    Commented Dec 28, 2016 at 17:12

1 Answer 1


You won't be able to just paste the text, because it needs its own line, and I'm not sure how you would get a newline into a named register (and I think the game author wants you to practice using o and O).

  1. In your picture, if you stand on the d in dolphins and press o, it will start a new line where you type "believed that they wereEsc".
  2. Next, stand on the m in man, last line of the text, and press o. It will create a new line where you type "same reasons.Esc"

If it doesn't work the first time, try again in some slightly different way (navigate to man using G instead of j, or standing on a different tile before you press o, etc.) because I had trouble the first time -- I thought it should have worked, but it gave a message about not overflowing the text boundaries or something. It worked the second time -- and I don't recall exactly what I did differently.

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