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27 votes

How accessible is ring fit adventure

During exercises there are sound effects to notify you when a move/pose is done. I sometimes even play while not looking at the screen without issue. Before starting, the ring and leg band need to be ...
Mathias711's user avatar
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3 votes

Accessibility in Age of Empires II

You can. Make sure you turn off 'Two Button Mouse' in the Options: This will allow you to select and order all units. I think most options should be available this way. You will probably have to ...
Joachim's user avatar
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3 votes

I'm blind and need help with the commands for City of Hope Mush

I'm assuming you're already aware of this, but I'll add this here: MUSHClient is a client developed for MUDs (and similar games) which has the capacity for accessibility functionality. It's also just ...
William Walker III's user avatar
2 votes

Half-pull trigger on Xbox Elite 2 Controller?

Disclaimer: this answer applies to the original Xbox Elite Wireless Controller, and does not work with the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2. You can't map the paddles to half-pull the triggers,...
Nolonar's user avatar
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2 votes

Does Black Mesa have a toggle scope option?

There's an option for this in the game's settings. According to this Steam Discussion page: Under Options>Black Mesa... Iron-Sight Sticky - Enabled you press the secondary fire once and it stays ...
DaemonsMercy's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I map camera up/down in World of Warcraft in an Accessible Way?

It turns out, you can change the entire "Joystick" characteristic. I had the joystick set to "Directional Pad", which is why I had to macro mouse movements to it. You can change ...
Turbo's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the most efficient brain–computer interface to play video games?

I am pretty certain there is currently no publicly available way to command a game without any physical interaction with your body (directly from brain to console). There has been a few projects, but ...
Fredy31's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to disable the quick time events (QTEs)?

As mentioned in your comment, there are no Quick Time Events in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. However, there are accessibility options to slow the game down for events that require quick reaction ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 42.7k

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