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Rohan Monga's user avatar
Rohan Monga
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
20 votes

Why don't Terrans ever seem to use medics?

19 votes

How are Portal and "Black Mesa" related?

18 votes

Going all the way with Miranda.... is it possible?

16 votes

How does gaining experience work in Warcraft 3

13 votes

Can you actually finish Zork in Black Ops?

12 votes

How do I continue the game in Assassin's Creed 1 after I reach the credits?

10 votes

How do I save the Oracle in God of War?

9 votes

Problems with PS3 on non-HDMI

8 votes

Efficiently taking out Sentry Guns in Call of Duty Black Ops?

6 votes

Is it possible to complete all contracts in Assassins Creed Brotherhood?

6 votes

How do I know what time of day it is in Assassin's Creed?

6 votes

How do I deploy the parachute in Assassins Creed Brotherhood for PC?

5 votes

Is there a reliable way to double assassinate?

4 votes

deleting logs in uplink

4 votes

How can I deal with repeat teamkillers in BFBC2 Hardcore mode on PS3?

4 votes

What are some tips for shooting down spy planes?

4 votes

In Call of Duty: Black Ops What gun is recommended for a person with horrible aim?

3 votes

How do I win "Twilight of the Gods" final mission in Warcraft 3?

3 votes

How can I determine the bottleneck in my gaming rig?

3 votes

Can PSN track my access code back to my account?

3 votes

What is true damage?

3 votes

Can we use keyboard & mouse on PS3?

2 votes

Trouble with the combat sections in Heavy Rain

2 votes

Can DLC for the PC version of Dragon Age 2 be installed mid-game?

2 votes

PS3 Move not very responsive in The Fight

2 votes

In Mafia Wars, is there any benefit to having more than 501 members of your mafia?

2 votes

Can I complete Dragon Age 2 without getting Darkness Falls?

1 vote

What's the best way to save your workers from hellion harass?

1 vote

Is there gameplay advantage of adding multiple similar parts to your creature in Spore?

1 vote

How do people kill the titans in the subway tunnels so fast?