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23 votes

If a soldier is behind both high and low cover, which one counts?

If the game has to choose between high and low cover, it will choose high. However, in your example the only choice is "low". Please see this image describing how cover works in the game - the cover ...
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar
16 votes

Does the commander in the modern XCOM series have a canonical gender?

No, the idea of the Commander is that you, the player, are the Commander. The gender of the Commander is your own (or whatever you want it to be). As you've noticed, the game carefully dances around ...
Vemonus's user avatar
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10 votes

Will my first four Squaddies always be one of each class?

This is a known feature in XCOM games with classes. First, the game checks if there's any classes you've never had a soldier of, and if so it picks between them with an even chance. Since it rolls ...
Niall Forman's user avatar
7 votes

XCOM EW: Effect of Ignoring UFO Crashes?

I looked around on a couple of other forums and found the following GameFaqs I ignored a few shot down ufo and didn't get any negative panic hits. 2K-forums You didn't lose any points in OG ...
KevinTheGreat's user avatar
7 votes

Do my dying soldiers live if I end the mission before stabilizing them?

Yes, they'll survive. If you're sure you're on the final group of aliens, finishing the mission early is a valid tactic for saving them. Trying to rush the mission is also a great way to get more ...
Comic Sans Seraphim's user avatar
6 votes

What is the difference between the yellow and blue movement alerts?

The Holographic Orange Lines (as in your screenshot) point to undiscovered Meld containers and are always the same sound. The Soundwave-y Lines point to undiscovered Pods (and are different sounds ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
5 votes

What does "one hit deaths" actually mean?

As far as my own experience and other forums seem to be saying, one hit death does seem to be number of times friendlies have been one hit killed. Therefore I can only assume that this was some form ...
Wrenth Davis's user avatar
4 votes

Which UFO flight computers will I recover?

This is an alien Flight Computer: This appears to be a scout-class UFO, and I believe the model used for them is slightly truncated due to the overall size of the UFO, so the thing in the middle of ...
Steve-O's user avatar
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4 votes

What do distance units mean?

Here is an answer that explains all apparent issues with arithmetic, e.g. the "off by 1" issue, or ghosts of additive modifiers. The exact conversion factor of tiles/mobility is 0.666. This differs ...
hazardass's user avatar
4 votes

If a soldier is behind both high and low cover, which one counts?

It is based off of the cover that is between the enemy and your soldier. Horizontally and Vertically. That is why flanking is important, to exploit lower or no cover. In your scenario the enemy has ...
n_plum's user avatar
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4 votes

XCOM EW: Effect of Ignoring UFO Crashes?

I have just tested this. Shot a UFO down over the USA and then did not send a Skyranger to the downed ship. There was no effect on the USA's panic level. It did not negatively impact my end of month ...
GeoffAtkins's user avatar
3 votes

Are there any benefits for eliminating Exalt forces on Covert Extraction?

Depending on where your forces are, it can be easier and faster to just kill the rest of them. They also drop whatever weapon they're using, and the soldier who kills them will get XP from it. Other ...
Nissa's user avatar
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3 votes

Does the commander in the modern XCOM series have a canonical gender?

In X-Com 2: War of the Chosen, the gender does seem to be specifically ambiguous. There's a Resistance Radio broadcast where it's suggested that no one knows the commander's gender. The speaker ...
Kevin McKenzie's user avatar
2 votes

Is there is a end game cut sequence if you fail in the middle of the final mission

Nope. You didn't miss anything. References: I tried failing the mission and didn't get anything.
idan315's user avatar
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2 votes

Just how long does the 'tutorial' actually last?

The tutorial (as far as I know) ends after these missions: Operation Devil's Moon (where 3 soldiers die) First Alien Abductions (only 2 sites, blah blah blah rocket launchers destroy cover) Council ...
Nissa's user avatar
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2 votes

Invisible roof in XCOM: Enemy Within on iOS

It seems like the first non-tutorial stage just has bugged ladders on the iOS version. I was able to climb ladders and pipes on every stage but this one by switching layers (two finger swipe) to the ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the weapon ranges?

9 tiles, put simply. 9 tiles straight is the range at which most weapons' aim changes. 6 diagonal, if I'm reading this Google Sheet correctly. Shotguns get a proportional bonus if less than that ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the limits of the Thin Man's poison spit?

First of all, most of your issues (barring the alleged infinite range) are equally applicable to grenades you throw, so it is "fair" for the xenos to have a similar weapon. It's not that the ...
Flater's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I increase the speed of combat?

Edit the file XCOM Enemy Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultInput. Under section [Engine.PlayerInput]-base view, type ( Z-change to your own key, 1.6-change to own speed): .Bindings=(Name="Z&...
atletic119's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get some games to install via Steam under Wine?

Okay, I've been working on this full-time for nearly a week and finally had a breakthrough. The Problem: Many of my Steam games began failing to load. I.E.: Bioshock Infinite Just Cause 2 Deadpool ...
Raybo58's user avatar
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