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Questions tagged [origin]

An online gaming, digital distribution, social and DRM platform by publisher EA. This tag should be used for questions about Origin's features, including but not limited to the digital distribution of games, the desktop PC client, in-game overlay, social features and account management and settings.

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0 answers

In the Wing Commander game series, was there a technical reason to use a dark blue background for space?

I've always wondered why the VGA DOS version of many Wing Commander games uses a dark blue background for space, even though in real life it is pitch black. A palette limitation was my first thought, ...
Coder's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

path help with Proton and EA Origin on Ubuntu

I have Ubuntu 22.04 and Steam with Proton. I added the EA Origin installer to Steam using Proton Experimental and I am able to play Origin games through it with no issues. However, each time I start ...
raphael75's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote
1 answer

Can I use Steam Family Sharing to play an Origin or Ubisoft game?

Can I Use Steam Family Sharing to play an Origin or Ubisoft game if I don't own it on Steam but I do own it on Origin or on Ubisoft Connect/Uplay? I am asking this to see if I can get the games' ...
Hitman2847's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Steam Family View won't allow Origin games

If I am on Family View in Steam, games like Madden and Fifa won't start, because they use Origin, and I get an error which says "Error, relaunch your game to continue linking your accounts". ...
Millard's user avatar
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5 votes
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What's wrong with account and Polish tld?

tl;dr Origin client for Windows 10 blocks creation of child account claiming that provided parent's email address (which belongs to an existing account) is invalid. It seems that the problem is ...
trejder's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can I copy Battlefield 4 files to Steam Library?

I just bought BF4 on steam and I already have it installed on my computer on an origin account. Is it possible to make steam recognize my already installed game or to copy it into the steam library ...
Hassan Zia's user avatar
2 votes
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How to open Battlefront2 from a desktrop shortcut?

I got Battlefront 2 for free with the Epic Giveaway. But to open it, both Origin AND Epic open up. Is there a way to open it with a desktop shortcut that does not open the Epic Launcher and/or the ...
Jim's user avatar
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How do I wall off Origin? I received a gift but this app is not trusted

Time to see if anything has changed but not risk my privacy at the same time. I was dismayed to see other responses to similar requests to manage origin app focused on instructions to uninstall if you ...
loadedsquirrel's user avatar
1 vote
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Video Options Not Saving

I'm trying to play The Saboteur through Origin/EA Desktop and I'm running into an issue that is forcing a 800x600 resolution with default settings despite editing the config files in multiple places. ...
CamouflagedCow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A single client to run games from different clients [closed]

I use windows 10 and for gaming I have to use a lot of clients like Steam, Origin, Epic, etc. Is there any way of centralizing these clients? For example one common client instead of all of these or ...
user257527's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I set up the Origin Store version of Command & Conquer: Generals to run a full HD?

As per the title, I would like to run Command & Conquer: Generals in full HD (or at very least a widescreen resolution). I've tried adding the parameters -xres 1920 -yres 1080 -quickstart to the ...
Tony Merryfield's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Support for occasionally plugged hard drive for steam-like application?

My computer has only 512GB disk space. AAA games are taking more and more disk space (GTA V requires 100gb, SW Fallen Order 70, ...) which can quickly cuse disk space issue. Performant external SDD ...
Steve B's user avatar
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1 vote
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Way to get Titanfall 2 on Steam if you already own it on Origin?

Recently Titanfall 2 became available on the Steam store. I already own the game on Origin but would like to get it on Steam so I don't have to deal with Origin as much. Is there any way to do this, ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Installing Origin and/or Steam games automatically in an unattended manner

Does anyone know of a way of installing Steam and/or Origin games automatically, without user intervention? I have a very unusual set up where I use an AWS instance for gaming. At the moment I have ...
André Borie's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to change the download location of games through Origin?

I want to change the download location of games, but on the 'Installs & Saves' tab it won't let me choose my D:\ partition, where I normally download my games. Even at the install of Origin I can'...
xPuFaRiNax's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Origin not opening, and crashing after games close

Recently I was playing Titan Fall 2 and saw it was late and closed it to go to bed. As I was shutting off my computer I saw an error message from Origin asking to restart or quit it. As it was late I ...
user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

I bought a physical copy of an EA game and was forced to sign in to Origin

I used Origin a few years ago to play games online, but since then I have bought game discs and don't understand why I have to use Origin to play them.
Maureen Skaar's user avatar
2 votes
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Is gifting games on Origin region locked?

My friend from the US wants to force me to play Anthem by gifting it to me in india, the question is that is the gifting system region locked? i can't find any concrete answer in the FAQs on the ...
Karan Harsh Wardhan's user avatar
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Sims 2 Ultimate Collection on Origin locked at 800x600

I have tried using the Sims 2/SC4 graphics rules maker tool as well as manual editing to fix this, but neither method worked. Is The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9 not the correct ...
Alexander M's user avatar
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What non-grindable items does battfield 1 revolution edition have?

I've already got the expansion packs of battlefield 1 in my library from giveaways, but I don't have the base game. My question is which one should I buy, the standard edition or the revolution ...
Friendly Fella's user avatar
-1 votes
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Problem with activating Spore (four options with languages that are not English)

I bought Spore (yeah, old game don't judge me) from a 3rd party store. When I entered the key code to Origin it gave me four options, three are an Asian language, and one is probably Hebrew. There ...
tomcookie007's user avatar
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1 answer

Season Pass from Origin for a Ubisoft Game

I have Assassin's Creed III linked to my Uplay account. I want season pass for the game. The season pass in Uplay is bit expensive when compared to Origin. So is it possible to buy the season pass ...
Yogesh Sundareshan's user avatar
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how can I play a game that isn't in the origin store?

I bought FIFA 12 two years ago on Amazon, as a disc. When I installed it, it went through Origin, and now I play the game with Origin. Now I want to get FIFA 13 or 14, and they don't show up on the ...
yaakov's user avatar
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EA Origin offline mode time tracking

So I'm on pc and I was wondering if Origin tracks your time played if you start a game in offline mode?
Kevin's user avatar
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Purchasing Sims 3 expansions on Steam without owning Sims 3 base game on steam

Currently, I have purchased all of my Sims 3 expansions on a disc. However, due to moving several times, I have lost some of the games in the unpacked stuff in the garage. Through the magic of game ...
Gladiator Kittens's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

EA Origin Points use for dlc purchase

I used some of my Origin points to buy dlc for either ME2 or ME3, but for some odd reason, it's not letting me do it anymore. Did they disable or discontinue that feature?
cpup100's user avatar
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Can I take my XP and FCC from FIFA 15 to FIFA 17?

I've played a lot of FIFA 15 on PC and still sometimes do so, and I have a pretty high level. That level was taken over from FIFA 14, and so was the currency called FCC. That made it possible to buy a ...
simbabque's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Find uplay, Origin, game ID

Through this forum I found out that you can make uplay start a game with the following command. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\Uplay.exe" "uplay://launch/410/0" This specific ...
Maiko Kingma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I play the Euro 12 expansion in FIFA '12?

I bought the Euro 2012 expansion pack for FIFA 12 in the Origin store, and I can't figure out how to play it. I went into the "UEFA Euro 2012" menu option, but all I got was a screen saying "Purchase ...
yaakov's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why don't my settings and single player progress get saved?

I hoped this would be fixed soon. Unfortunately I still got this problem: Sometimes when I start Battlefield 1 from Origin it runs right into the first-launch-setting-screen. There where you can set ...
mabu's user avatar
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Download legit copy of Fifa 16 without activation key

I purchased a Fifa 16 key from an online seller, but haven't got a copy of Fifa 16. Is there any way to download Fifa 16 from origin without paying for the key, again?
Hassan-Zahid's user avatar
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Cannot get Steam Controller to work with FIFA16 (Origin)

I recently bought a Steam Controller and it works very well with all the Steam games and features. Some days ago I bought FIFA16 and, as you probably know, it is an EA game accessible only by Origin. ...
AndreaM16's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How do I purchase a game on Origin?

I would like to know how to purchase a game from origin, once i add it to the cart, i get lost from there, I don't know the procedure after that. I saved my credit card and my Paypal account both on ...
Oye Jr's user avatar
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Using Origin with proxy server [closed]

I am trying to use origin in my university, but the problem is all the traffic through university's wifi is directed through a proxy server which requires my username and password. There is no such ...
Vipul Behl's user avatar
6 votes
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Mass Effect 2/3 Download issue on Origin at 100%

A few days ago, I picked up the Mass Effect trilogy on origin for like $10, and just yesterday I finished ME1. I've tried to download ME2 several times now, and ME3 once as well, but both downloads ...
Charles's user avatar
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Why doesn't Origin detect all backed up files?

I downloaded Battlefield 3 with all the expansions to my laptop from a friend's house (he has internet speeds of 300mb). When I got home I wanted to copy the files to my desktop PC, and just replace ...
SwaggingtonYolo's user avatar
1 vote
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EA origin on the house games should be downloaded or just added to account?

Ea origin offers a free game every month and from what I hear you get to keep the game forever. My questions are: In order to have the game, you need to install it or just add it to your account? ...
John Demetriou's user avatar
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Sims 3 isn't working

My friend was playing The Sims 3 just fine, but I downloaded Origin on her computer, and now The Sims 3 and its expansions will not work. We would click on the logo, and the game would try to start, ...
Naomi Boenrer's user avatar
1 vote
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Transferring via Origin: 'Star Wars Battlefront'. Can I resell? [duplicate]

I'm a mac user and tried to install the new star wars battlefront, which is Windows only. I purchased the for PC 'download only' disc from EA, which includes only a code for installation. I ...
Super_John's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I get my Origin profile link?

I'm forming a list of links of where people can add me on, I was able to obtain tens of profile links, but I wasn't able to get a link for my origin. Is there way I can link people to my origin ...
ave's user avatar
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Can DLCs be shared between accounts on Origin?

Two computers, two Origin accounts each has Battlefield 4 bought. But only I have a few DLCs(I do not have Premium nor does the other account). Can DLCs be shared e.g the account that has no DLC can ...
farmdve's user avatar
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9 votes
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How do I purchase DLC for Bioware games? Through Origin or Bioware?

I am fairly new to using Origin. I was planning on purchasing the following games: Mass Effect trilogy Mass Effect 3 digital deluxe upgrade edition Dragon Age Ultimate Dragon Age 2. I know not all ...
JayP's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is there any way to get notifications for 'On the House' games?

EA's Origin occasionally offers certain games completely free as part of their 'On the House' promotion. As they've offered a few pretty good games in the past, I'd like some way to get notified when ...
Alex's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

DirectX setup Internal Error when installing Battlefield 4

When trying to install BF 4 on my Windows 7 machine I got the following message after a few seconds: There is no percentage showing, and then, origin get stuck on this: The only way to close ...
PlayHardgoPro's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to extend your Origin gametime?

Is there a way to get more "gametime" on a specific game in Origin after it runs out? Or a way to extend one's "gametime" before running out?
Sherlock Kastel's user avatar
4 votes
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How to disable Origin's "compatibility mode" warning?

I am running Origin with "disabled desktop composition", it allows me to see second monitor when I play Battlefield 4 (I can't set this option on x64 executable). But when Origin starts it shows popup:...
Ivan Solntsev's user avatar
2 votes
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Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath does not start

I want to play C&C:KW but the game simply does not start. I have read a couple of forums and it seems there are a lot of problems with the game on windows 8. My Specifications: Window 8.1 ...
botenvouwer's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I prevent Mass Effect 3 (PC) from attempting to connect to EA's servers when the game starts?

Console versions of Mass Effect 3 have an option (Extras --> Settings --> Online) to disable the connection to EA servers. Is there a way I can do this on my Windows 8.1 PC? I already have the game ...
vaindil's user avatar
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Do any other Origin games ignore reconfiguring WIndows to put the Documents folder elsewhere?

Note, this topic was made from reconfiguring the default save location in the Documents library of Windows 7. Not from moving the Documents folder from within the properties window. I reconfigured ...
Sales_Kital's user avatar
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What are the consequences of revoking a credit card charge made to Origin? [closed]

I have an issue with a purchase I've made via Origin, and after contacting support I feel I'm going to need to raise this as a dispute with my credit card company as my issue is still unresolved. This ...
Peter's user avatar
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