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22 votes

Can I install Overwatch and play WoW at the same time

To prevent the download from pausing while you're playing WoW, do the following in the Blizzard App Click the Blizzard icon near the upper-left corner. Click Settings Click Game Install/Update on the ...
Powerlord's user avatar
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22 votes

Who is “Your Opponent”?

Along with the two forums you linked, this Battle Net forum discussed this as well. While it doesn't contain any information directly from Blizzard on this, a user gathered that this is more than ...
Wondercricket's user avatar
10 votes

Who is “Your Opponent”?

While the answer given by Wondercricket was true when posted, there's actually another reason why this is happening more frequently now. In October 2017 Blizzard added "Appear Offline" mode for ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 101
7 votes

Can I still play Starcraft 1 on Battle.Net?

Blizzard has released Starcraft 1 for free. If you download that version (you'll probably need to login into your blizzard account in order to do so), you'll be allowed to login into battle net ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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6 votes

My hearthstone installation is stuck "waiting on another installation" updates or installs one game at a time. If you're trying to play Hearthstone while another game is updating you'll have to wait for that update or force the launcher to prefer Hearthstone ...
dly's user avatar
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6 votes

Is Blizzard's desktop app mandatory?

Yes, the launcher is required to run at least some Blizzard games, according to this post by a Blizzard employee: When you run a Desktop Shortcut for some of our games - currently Diablo 3, Heroes ...
Vemonus's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it still possible to play Warcraft 2 on

Yes, it is still possible. Blizzard has re-released Warcraft II Edition, with support for Windows 10, in the GOG store. It still includes support for the classic multiplayer ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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5 votes

Find uplay, Origin, game ID

Steam (just in case) You can enable "Display Steam URL address bar when available" on Steam > Settings > Interface: After that you will be able to see the game ID on the store page (in this case, ...
Lemon's user avatar
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5 votes

Can my friends see me if I play games on a different server?

If you're playing on another regions server, you friends will not be able to see what game you are playing, however you will appear to be online in the launcher (and they will be able to message you). ...
Crafter0800's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I play on EU servers I register on US servers?

Progress is separated by regional server for Blizzard games on So you can play the game on US or EU servers but progress and purchases within the game are only available on the server you ...
BlueBarren's user avatar
4 votes

Can I unshare my real name on

It's not possible to disable it for just one person. However, you can disable it for all people. There is a catch, though. Battle.Net / Blizzard may remove any friends who added you via email ...
Powerlord's user avatar
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3 votes

Overwatch 2 Tech Beta doesn't appear in Game Versions

The issue has been resolved on it's own. Looks like some delay on the part. Just had to wait, even restarting the launcher was not necessary.
klm123's user avatar
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3 votes

How to run when there is no blizzard games installed?

Its no longer called Battle.NET but Blizzard App If installed in the default location it should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Blizzard App If you can't find it, its possible you have removed it. ...
Иво Недев's user avatar
3 votes

Can friends on see the date I bought a game?

No. Your friends have no way of seeing when you bought a game or even if you own it, but they can see your playtime and profile on some games (Diablo 3 and Overwatch are some examples from the top ...
BridgeDealsBot's user avatar
3 votes

How do I install StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void through the Blizzard client?

I contacted Blizzard support, as suggested. This was their reply. I apologise for the confusion here, you do in fact own StarCraft 2, but it hasn't yet triggered on the app - to get it to update, ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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3 votes

How to remove a real-id from a friend in BattleNet?

There's not a way to "downgrade" someone's friend status. The simplest solution would be to simply remove them as a friend, and then re-add them via Battle.tag alone.
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
2 votes

How to transfer your Overwatch friends' list to the PTR?

You can't sync friends lists from live. PTR uses a completely different friends list than the live server does. From the main BattleNet client, you can see a person's Friend ID by highlighting over ...
Powerlord's user avatar
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2 votes

Find uplay, Origin, game ID

Other method for origin Open to " installerdata.xml " in your game "G:\Origin Games\Need for Speed(TM) Most Wanted\ __Installer" for me and look contentIDs 71628 71530 71744 ...
colonel-hannib's user avatar
2 votes

help in changing my account details

You can't. However, Blizzard's support department may be able to. You will need to contact Blizzard via the site appropriate to your region (EU, US, etc...). Once you're on your region's ...
JonK's user avatar
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2 votes

Linking battle net account to psn

According to this link below you cannot redeem any skins you get on PS4 to PC, even if you have the origin editon, they are actually completely independent from each other. I believe especially not ...
Ultima's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I get my Battle.Net authenticator to accept one-button approval instead of codes?

There is no way to get "One-Button Approval" in the WoW client. It only supports this through the Launcher, which will only ask you the first time. When launching the WoW client directly (...
Ivo Coumans's user avatar
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1 vote

Booting up Overwatch stuck on blank screen?

I've had this problem for ~6 months now, PTR and Live. I have a Windows 10 box, and what I do when I encounter this is Create a new Desktop (using Windows+D) Open up Task Manager in the new desktop ...
Zymus's user avatar
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1 vote

Diablo II Resurrected - connection problem

That is because D2: Ressurected is not released yet. It releases on the 23rd of September. The servers will not be available before then. But why is it on the store and can be booted? There is a Beta ...
Fredy31's user avatar
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1 vote

WoW upgrading from starter edition

Up to level 20 playing WoW costs nothing. This is the Starter Edition and it is very limited (no guilds, trades, etc). After that you need to pay for game time (via subscription or game cards or later ...
dly's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I gift Call of Duty 4 to a friend without linking his account?

No. You and your friend both need to have linked accounts to your respective Humble Bundle accounts. You need to have your account linked as per their help page in order to send the gift. ...
Mkalafut's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I gift Call of Duty 4 to a friend without linking his account?

Just above the image you linked it clearly states: Some Activision / Blizzard games will also be giftable from the Download Page. If so you will see this message on the Download Page. In ...
Xander's user avatar
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1 vote

Can't gift a game to a friend through Battlenet app

I'm not sure why you have some friends show up, but not others, but you can send the gift to their email address at checkout.
Elise's user avatar
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1 vote

Find uplay, Origin, game ID

For anyone looking to find Uplay IDs of installed games. I have created a gist here : uPlay IDs
ScreX's user avatar
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1 vote

Finding a friend on Overwatch by in game name

According to the Wiki, it seems that the only way of adding people to your friends list (apart from the Recent Players) section is by adding them via their Battle Tag, which you do not have. Apart ...
Despato's user avatar
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